Source code for mpnum.mpsmpo

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r"""Matrix Product State (MPS) and Operator (MPO) functions

The :ref:`mpnum-introduction` also covers the definitions mentioned

.. _mpsmpo-definitions:


We consider a linear chain of :math:`n` sites with associated Hilbert
spaces \mathcal H_k = \C^{d_k}, :math:`d_k`, :math:`k \in [1..n] :=
\{1, 2, \ldots, n\}`. The set of linear operators :math:`\mathcal H_k
\to \mathcal H_k` is denoted by :math:`\mathcal B_k`. We write
:math:`\mathcal H = \mathcal H_1 \otimes \cdots \otimes \mathcal H_n`
and the same for :math:`\mathcal B`.

We use the following three representations:

* Matrix product state (MPS): Vector :math:`\lvert \psi \rangle \in
  \mathcal H`

* Matrix product operator (MPO): Operator :math:`M \in \mathcal B`

* Locally purified matrix product state (PMPS): Positive semidefinite
  operator :math:`\rho \in \mathcal B`

All objects are represented by :math:`n` local tensors.

Matrix product state (MPS)

Represent a vector :math:`\lvert \psi \rangle \in \mathcal H` as

.. math::

   \langle i_1 \ldots i_n \vert \psi \rangle
   = A^{(1)}_{i_1} \cdots A^{(n)}_{i_n},
   \quad A^{(k)}_{i_k} \in \mathbb C^{D_{k-1} \times D_k},
   \quad D_0 = 1 = D_n.

The :math:`k`-th local tensor is :math:`T_{l,i,r} =

The vector :math:`\lvert \psi \rangle` can be a quantum state, with
the density matrix given by :math:`\rho = \lvert \psi \rangle \langle
\psi \rvert \in \mathcal B`.  Reference: E.g. [Sch11]_.

Matrix product operator (MPO)

Represent an operator :math:`M \in \mathcal B` as

.. math::

  \langle i_1 \ldots i_n \vert M \vert j_1 \ldots j_n \rangle
  = A^{(1)}_{i_1 j_1} \cdots A^{(n)}_{i_n j_n},
  \quad A^{(k)}_{i_k j_k} \in \mathbb C^{D_{k-1} \times D_k},
   \quad D_0 = 1 = D_n.

The :math:`k`-th local tensor is :math:`T_{l,i,j,r} = (A^{(k)}_{i

This representation can be used to represent a mixed quantum state
:math:`\rho = M`, but it is not limited to positive semidefinite
:math:`M`.  Reference: E.g. [Sch11]_.

Locally purified matrix product state (PMPS)

Represent a positive semidefinite operator :math:`\rho \in \mathcal B`
as follows: Let :math:`\mathcal H_k' = \mathbb C^{d'_k}` with suitable
:math:`d'_k` and :math:`\mathcal P = \mathcal H_1 \otimes \mathcal
H'_1 \otimes \cdots \otimes \mathcal H_n \otimes \mathcal H'_n`. Find
:math:`\vert \Phi \rangle \in \mathcal P` such that

.. math::

   \rho = \operatorname{tr}_{\mathcal H'_1, \ldots, \mathcal H'_n}
   (\lvert \Phi \rangle \langle \Phi \rvert)

and represent :math:`\lvert \Phi \rangle` as

.. math::

   \langle i_1 i'_1 \ldots i_n i'_n \vert \Phi \rangle
   = A^{(1)}_{i_1 i'_1} \cdots A^{(n)}_{i_n i'_n},
   \quad A^{(k)}_{i_k j_k} \in \mathbb C^{D_{k-1} \times D_k},
   \quad D_0 = 1 = D_n.

The :math:`k`-th local tensor is :math:`T_{l,i,i',r} = (A^{(k)}_{i

The ancillary dimensions :math:`d'_i` are not determined by the
:math:`d_i` but depend on the state. E.g. if :math:`\rho` is pure, one
can set all :math:`d_i = 1`.  Reference: E.g. [Cue13_].

.. todo:: Are derived classes MPO/MPS/PMPS of any help?

.. todo:: I am not sure the current definition of PMPS is the most elegant
          for our purposes...


* .. _Cue13:

  [Cue13] De las Cuevas, G., Schuch, N., Pérez-García, D., and Cirac,
  J. I. (2013). “Purifications of multipartite states: limitations and
  constructive methods”. New J. Phys. 15(12), p. 123021. `DOI:
  10.1088/1367-2630/15/12/123021`_. `arXiv: 1308.1914`_.

  .. _`DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/15/12/123021`:

  .. _`arXiv: 1308.1914`:


from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import assert_array_equal

from six.moves import range

from . import mparray as mp
from .utils import local_to_global, matdot

__all__ = ['mps_to_mpo', 'mps_to_pmps', 'pmps_dm_to_array',
           'pmps_reduction', 'pmps_to_mpo', 'pmps_to_mps',
           'reductions_mpo', 'reductions_mps_as_mpo',
           'reductions_mps_as_pmps', 'reductions_pmps', 'reductions']

def _check_reductions_args(nr_sites, width, startsites, stopsites):
    """Expand the arguments of :func:`reductions_mpo()` et al.

    The arguments are documented in :func:`reductions_mpo()`.

    if stopsites is None:
        assert width is not None
        if startsites is None:
            startsites = range(nr_sites - width + 1)
            startsites = tuple(startsites)  # Allow iterables
        stopsites = (start + width for start in startsites)
        assert width is None
        assert startsites is not None
    return startsites, stopsites

[docs]def pmps_dm_to_array(pmps, global_=False): """Convert PMPS to full array representation of the density matrix The runtime of this method scales with D**3 instead of D**6 where D is the rank and D**6 is the scaling of using :func:`pmps_to_mpo` and :func:`to_array`. This is useful for obtaining reduced states of a PMPS on non-consecutive sites, as normalizing before using :func:`pmps_to_mpo` may not be sufficient to reduce the rank in that case. .. note:: The resulting array will have dimension-1 physical legs removed. """ out = np.ones((1, 1, 1)) # Axes: 0 phys, 1 upper rank, 2 lower rank for lt in out = np.tensordot(out, lt, axes=(1, 0)) # Axes: 0 phys, 1 lower rank, 2 phys, 3 anc, 4 upper rank out = np.tensordot(out, lt.conj(), axes=((1, 3), (0, 2))) # Axes: 0 phys, 1 phys, 2 upper rank, 3 phys, 4 lower rank out = np.rollaxis(out, 3, 2) # Axes: 0 phys, 1 phys, 2 phys, 3 upper bound, 4 lower rank out = out.reshape((-1, out.shape[3], out.shape[4])) # Axes: 0 phys, 1 upper rank, 2 lower rank out_shape = [dim for dim, _ in pmps.shape for rep in (1, 2) if dim > 1] out = out.reshape(out_shape) if global_: assert len(set(out_shape)) == 1 out = local_to_global(out, sites=len(out_shape) // 2) return out
[docs]def pmps_reduction(pmps, support): """Convert a PMPS to a PMPS representation of a local reduced state :param support: Set of sites to keep :returns: Sites traced out at the beginning or end of the chain are removed using :func:`reductions_pmps` and a suitable normalization. Sites traced out in the middle of the chain are converted to sites with physical dimension 1 and larger ancilla dimension. """ n_sites = len(pmps) assert len(support) > 0 assert all(0 <= s < n_sites for s in support) start_at = min(support) stop_at = max(support) + 1 red = next(reductions_pmps(pmps, startsites=[start_at], stopsites=[stop_at])) width = stop_at - start_at if len(support) == width: return red support = [pos - start_at for pos in support] return mp.MPArray( lt if pos in support else lt.reshape((lt.shape[0], 1, -1, lt.shape[-1])) for pos, lt in enumerate( )
[docs]def reductions_mpo(mpa, width=None, startsites=None, stopsites=None): """Iterate over MPO partial traces of an MPO The support of the i-th result is :code:`range(startsites[i], stopsites[i])`. :param mpnum.mparray.MPArray mpa: An MPO :param startsites: Defaults to :code:`range(len(mpa) - width + 1)`. :param stopsites: Defaults to :code:`[ start + width for start in startsites ]`. If specified, we require `startsites` to be given and `width` to be None. :param width: Number of sites in support of the results. Default `None`. Must be specified if one or both of `startsites` and `stopsites` are not given. :returns: Iterator over partial traces as MPO """ startsites, stopsites = \ _check_reductions_args(len(mpa), width, startsites, stopsites) assert_array_equal(mpa.ndims, 2) rem_left = {0: np.array(1, ndmin=2)} rem_right = rem_left.copy() def get_remainder(rem_cache, num_sites, end): """Obtain the vectors resulting from tracing over the left or right end of a Matrix Product Operator. :param rem_cache: Save remainder terms with smaller num_sites here :param num_sites: Number of sites from left or right that have been traced over. :param end: +1 or -1 for tracing over the left or right end """ try: return rem_cache[num_sites] except KeyError: rem = get_remainder(rem_cache, num_sites - 1, end) last_pos = num_sites - 1 if end == 1 else -num_sites add = np.trace([last_pos], axis1=1, axis2=2) if end == -1: rem, add = add, rem rem_cache[num_sites] = matdot(rem, add) return rem_cache[num_sites] num_sites = len(mpa) for start, stop in zip(startsites, stopsites): # FIXME we could avoid taking copies here, but then in-place # multiplication would have side effects. We could make the # affected arrays read-only to turn unnoticed side effects into # errors. ltens = [lten for lten in[start:stop]] rem = get_remainder(rem_left, start, 1) ltens[0] = matdot(rem, ltens[0]) rem = get_remainder(rem_right, num_sites - stop, -1) ltens[-1] = matdot(ltens[-1], rem) yield mp.MPArray(ltens)
[docs]def reductions_pmps(pmps, width=None, startsites=None, stopsites=None): """Iterate over PMPS partial traces of a PMPS `width`, `startsites` and `stopsites`: See :func:`reductions_mpo()`. :param pmps: Mixed state in locally purified MPS representation (PMPS, see :ref:`mpsmpo-definitions`) :returns: Iterator over reduced states as PMPS """ startsites, stopsites = \ _check_reductions_args(len(pmps), width, startsites, stopsites) for start, stop in zip(startsites, stopsites): pmps.canonicalize(left=start, right=stop) # leftmost site lten =[start] left_bd, system, ancilla, right_bd = lten.shape newshape = (1, system, left_bd * ancilla, right_bd) ltens = [lten.swapaxes(0, 1).reshape(newshape)] # central sites and last site ltens += (lten for lten in[start + 1:stop]) # fix up the last site -- may be the same as the first site left_bd, system, ancilla, right_bd = ltens[-1].shape newshape = (left_bd, system, ancilla * right_bd, 1) ltens[-1] = ltens[-1].reshape(newshape) reduced_mps = mp.MPArray(ltens) yield reduced_mps
[docs]def reductions_mps_as_pmps(mps, width=None, startsites=None, stopsites=None): """Iterate over PMPS reduced states of an MPS `width`, `startsites` and `stopsites`: See :func:`reductions_mpo()`. :param mps: Pure state as MPS :returns: Iterator over reduced states as PMPS """ pmps = mps_to_pmps(mps) return reductions_pmps(pmps, width, startsites, stopsites)
[docs]def reductions_mps_as_mpo(mps, width=None, startsites=None, stopsites=None): """Iterate over MPO mpdoreduced states of an MPS `width`, `startsites` and `stopsites`: See :func:`reductions_mpo()`. :param mps: Pure state as MPS :returns: Iterator over reduced states as MPO """ return map(pmps_to_mpo, reductions_mps_as_pmps(mps, width, startsites, stopsites))
[docs]def reductions(state, mode, **kwargs): """.. todo:: Add docstring""" if mode == 'mps': return reductions_mps_as_pmps(state, **kwargs), 'pmps' elif mode == 'pmps': return reductions_pmps(state, **kwargs), 'pmps' elif mode == 'mpdo': return reductions_mpo(state, **kwargs), 'mpdo' else: raise ValueError('Unknown mode {!r}'.format(mode))
[docs]def pmps_to_mpo(pmps): """Convert a local purification MPS to a mixed state MPO. A mixed state on n sites is represented in local purification MPS form by a MPA with n sites and two physical legs per site. The first physical leg is a 'system' site, while the second physical leg is an 'ancilla' site. :param MPArray pmps: An MPA with two physical legs (system and ancilla) :returns: An MPO (density matrix as MPA with two physical legs) """ return, pmps.adj())
[docs]def mps_to_pmps(mps): """Convert a pure MPS into a local purification MPS mixed state. The ancilla legs will have dimension one, not increasing the memory required for the MPS. :param MPArray mps: An MPA with one physical leg :returns: An MPA with two physical legs (system and ancilla) """ assert_array_equal(mps.ndims, 1) ltens = (lten.reshape(lten.shape[0:2] + (1, lten.shape[2])) for lten in return mp.MPArray(ltens)
[docs]def pmps_to_mps(pmps): """Convert a PMPS with unit ancilla dimensions to a simple MPS If all ancilla dimensions of the PMPS are equal to unity, they are removed. Otherwise, an AssertionError is raised. """ assert all(l == 2 for l in pmps.ndims) assert all(d[1] == 1 for d in pmps.shape) return pmps.reshape([(d[0],) for d in pmps.shape])
[docs]def mps_to_mpo(mps): """Convert a pure MPS to a mixed state MPO. :param MPArray mps: An MPA with one physical leg :returns: An MPO (density matrix as MPA with two physical legs) """ return pmps_to_mpo(mps_to_pmps(mps))